Girl Bravo (1-11)
Genre :
Boing, Comedy, Ecchi, Harem, High School, Large Breasts, Love Polygon, Nudity, Pantsu, Romance, School Life, Slapstick, Sudden Girlfriend Appearance, Violent retribution for accidental infringement
Summary :
Based on the manga serialized in Monthly Shonen Ace-A manga magazine by Mario Kaneda
Born very short in size, Yukinari has always been picked on by girls. His life is so full of violent and abusive girls, that he has become gynophobic, and being touched by a girl causes him to break out in hives. One day, after being kicked in the face by Kirie-chan, he falls in the bathtub and passes through to another world where he meets a very sweet and kind Miharu-chan. Yukinari is surprised to find out that he does not react when being touched by Miharu, and he is amazed at how interested she is in him.
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