VTC - Java 2: JSP and Servlets Video Training
Introduction to the Course (05:17)
What is a JavaServer Page? (03:17)
What is a Java Servlet? (02:01)
The Container
Static and Dynamic Web Pages (02:53)
The Container (03:21)
Installation (04:29)
The Environment (04:33)
Starting the Server (04:19)
Basic Servlets
Writing and Compiling a Servlet (05:56)
Creating an Application (07:17)
Two Ways to Deploy (04:29)
Yet Another Deploy (04:28 )
Servlet Mapping (03:48 )
An Interception Servlet (02:07)
Basic JSPs
Writing a JSP (04:11)
JSP to Java Translation (04:43)
JSP Elements (05:05)
Imports/Globals/Methods pt. 1 (03:55)
Imports/Globals/Methods pt. 2 (03:34)
Tracking an Error (05:25)
The Custom Error Page (04:32)
XML and Ant
Introduction to XML (05:49)
The DTD (05:39)
Parameters and Error Pages (05:26)
Download and Install Ant (04:26)
Tasks and Properties (05:33)
Basic War Building (04:46)
Compiling and Deploying (05:58 )
A Jar File pt. 1 (05:31)
A Jar File pt. 2 (03:09)
JSPs and HTML Files (05:06)
Packages (05:26)
HTML and HTML Forms
Tables (05:21)
Images (03:01)
Style Sheets (03:30)
Coding a Form (05:26)
Text Boxes and Text Areas (03:50)
Check Boxes and Radio Buttons (02:11)
Pull Down and Scrolled List (03:13)
JSP Tags
A JSP Tag Handler (05:35)
A Tag with a Body (04:28 )
A Tag with Attributes pt. 1 (04:39)
A Tag with Attributes pt. 2 (03:28 )
Before and After the Body (03:00)
Tag Libraries (05:02)
A Few Handy JSTL Tags (03:33)
Parameters and Looping (05:30)
EJB (03:23)
Looping forEach (05:52)
Import and Choose (04:21)
Running Timestamp (05:35)
Cookies and Session Tracking
The Purpose of a Cookie (03:46)
Setting and Getting Servlet Cookies (04:39)
Setting and Getting JSP Cookies (03:53)
URL Encoding in a JSP (05:40)
Explicit URL Encoding (04:21)
Session Timeout (03:32)
Errors and Exceptions
Declaring Error Handling in web.xml (03:20)
An Error Sending Servlet (04:54)
Servlet Throwing an Exception (02:34)
JSP Errors and Exceptions (04:19)
Logging (04:53)
A Servlet to Setup a Download (06:38 )
A More General Download Servlet (04:59)
Viewing a Resource File (02:56)
Request Headers (04:27)
An Applet in a JSP (02:51)
An Applet with Parameters in a JSP (02:25)
An Applet in a Servlet (03:25)
JavaScript in a JSP (03:00)
JavaScript in a Servlet (02:34)
Thread Safe Code (03:28 )
Summary of the Course (04:08 )
About this Author (03:21)

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Java Training Courses